What if flat earthers are right?


(Transcription of youtube video)

on our hypothetical journey we've

already tested out living on a flat

earth a cubical earth even a Hollow

Earth so what do you say we try to

survive on an earth with a giant hole in

the middle would a planet like this even

have a chance of being habitable would

it still have the moon

how would gravity work and what would

the view be like on an earth like this

this is what if and here's what would

happen if the earth was shaped like a

doughnut hey planet airily speaking size

matters and so does shape this is what

mathematicians would call a toroidal

world or a torus planet to me it's an

earth shaped like a sweet fried ring

shaped pastry whatever you call this

earth theoretically it's not impossible

planets don't naturally form in the

shape of a doughnut but the laws of

physics do allow for such worlds to

exist it just wouldn't be earth as you

know it

okay I'm just messing with you here it

wouldn't kill anyone to evolve on a


earth unless it had a shape more like a

hula hoop having a center that's so much

larger than the physically solid portion

of Earth would result in some very

unstable conditions

see what I mean disastrous so let's

focus on a planet that looks like a

traditional donut and closely mimics our

own earth this donut shaped earth would

have a similar position relative to the

Sun and the same actual tilt it would

even have a similar escape velocity 11.4

km/s for most of the planet at the

donuts equator the escape velocity would

go down to just six and a half

kilometers per second so if you were

going to send rockets into space that

would be the best place to break free of

the gravitational clutches of a donut

shaped earth speaking of gravity

depending where you were on a torus

earth you'd weigh up to three times less

than you usually do if our round earth

has a surface gravity of 1g the surface

gravity of a donut earth along the poles

would be 0.65 g and at the equator the

gravity would go down to just 0.3 g it

would be like walking on the surface of


even though the doughnut shaped Earth's

gravity would be lower than what you're

used to it would still be constantly

trying to collapse the planet in on


to fight the urge to become a sphere

shaped earth a donut earth would have to

spin much faster than our round earth

does that way centrifugal forces would

kick in and keep the donut hole intact

but because of this quick rotation a day

on earth would only last two hours and

50 minutes or if you prefer to stick to

a traditional 24 hour day you'd be

dealing with at least eight sunrises and

sunsets every day you'd have to adapt to

working day and night and sleeping

through hours of daylight but it would

be much worse than that for the animals

that are synced to the patterns of the

moon and the Sun to breed migrate and

hunt oh and by the way what would happen

to the moon well the good news is we'd

still have it most likely it would be

pulled towards the middle of the hole

and bob up and down in the middle of the

planet or it could be affected by the

gravity of the donuts outer edges and

create a figure-eight orbit around the

earth the bad news is either if these

orbits would affect the tides on earth

and wreak a little havoc oceans could

have such unstable water levels that

having coastal cities might not be a


the overall climate on a doughnut earth

would be similar to what we currently

have on our round earth it would be

colder in the polar regions and warmer

at the equator but the weather would be

a little more extreme and could even

make some parts of the planet

inhospitable due to storms and

hurricanes it's hard to predict where

the countries would be located on a

tourist planet but as far as topography

goes most likely the doughnut hole would

be lined with mountains and they could

be substantially larger than anything we

have on earth right now

if you wanted to live on the inner edge

of a doughnut shaped earth you'd be

enjoying this view unlike in some

what-if scenarios life wouldn't come to

an end in this one humans of a doughnut

earth might never cross the ocean

they'd evolved separately on different

continents but at least there would be

no mass extinction and no areas of the

planet would become too extreme for us

to survive donut earthers might or might

not have the tools and tech they might

not even stumble onto the concept of a


in the first place or they could be

making videos like what if the earth was

shaped like a ball and maybe because of

this doughnut shape some disasters in

Earth's history would never have

happened but that's a story for another




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