Jurasic world 3: Dinosaurs we hope to see



Even with an extra summer separating us all from Jurassic World: Dominion, there are some things we’re already set up to expect out of director Colin Trevorrow’s big threequel. For instance, fans will be reintroduced to Drs. Alan Grant, Elle Sattler and Ian Malcolm; who are together for the first time since Jurassic Park. And when it comes to the dinosaur content, you know that Blue the Velociraptor will be on hand, as she’s basically the featured creature in the Jurassic World trilogy.

But there are other species of dinosaurs that have either been absent from the series for some time, as well as particular dinosaur characters we’re hoping to see return in Jurassic World: Dominion. So since there’s some extra time between now and the return of Chris Pratt's Owen Grady and Bryce Dallas Howard’s Claire Dearing, why not bring up the dinosaurs we’re hoping to see return to the Jurassic World fold? Hold onto your butts, because we're delving into that subject now.


One of the coolest dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, the Dilophosaurus is an iconic creature of mayhem. Last seen delivering Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) his just desserts, every time a Jurassic series sequel has come around, there’s been hope that we’d see this spitting siren yet again. So far, almost thirty years later and over the span of four sequels, all we’ve gotten is a holographic cameo in Jurassic World.


Oh sure, it almost sounded like a Dilophosaurus was present in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’s big opening showdown. But apparently the species was cut from director J.A. Bayona’s film before the final edit. So if there was any dinosaur that was hotly anticipated for a return, it has to be the Dilophosaurus. If Jurassic World: The Ride canon has anything to say about it, that very species is still roaming the park’s grounds.


It’s rather odd that the Spinosaurus would be introduced as a challenger to the T-Rex in a Jurassic film again. Sure, it was seen as a villain for killing the Rex on Isla Sorna in a rather quick fashion, but even then, you have to remember it’s a dinosaur. Massive creatures like the Spinosaurus need to eat, and like it or not, the T-Rex was just as likely to be taken down as a human.

Jurassic World referenced this species as well, as we saw Roberta the Tyrannosaurus Rex smash through a Spinosaurus skeleton before her huge fight with the Indominous Rex. Surely the folks at InGen, or whatever company allowed Jurassic World: Dominion to reintroduce the villainous Lewis Dodgson into the franchise, has plans to bring this gigantic beast back into the world, right? Let’s see some stomping terror in the sixth Jurassic film.

Bumpy The Ankylosaurus

During the run of Netflix’s Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, we’ve been introduced to Bumpy the Ankylosaurus. Starting out as a cute little baby, this Ankylosaurus has grown into a true badass that the stranded campers can still depend on. But with the Camp Cretaceous timeline taking place between Jurassic World’s disastrous day at the park and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’s volcanic disaster, it’s still a question of whether we’ll see Bumpy taken off the island or not

There was no indication of an Ankylosaurus being taken off the island in Fallen Kingdom; in fact, it looked like quite a few ran off a cliff in one of the earlier set-pieces. While we definitely know that Jurassic World: Dominion will connect with some of the stuff we see in Camp Cretaceous, it’s not a given that this brave dinosaur will make it out of the animated series alive. That won’t stop us from still hoping she does.

Roberta The Tyrannosaurus Rex

Perhaps the most anticipated return that fans are hoping for in Jurassic World: Dominion is that of series legend, defender of humanity and challenger to the mighty lion, Roberta the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Yes, some call her “Rexy,” but Phil Tippett’s storyboards called her Roberta. So it’s canon, and it stays; much like Roberta herself should do when it comes to this third Jurassic World entry.

Bumpy The Ankylosaurus

During the run of Netflix’s Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, we’ve been introduced to Bumpy the Ankylosaurus. Starting out as a cute little baby, this Ankylosaurus has grown into a true badass that the stranded campers can still depend on. But with the Camp Cretaceous timeline taking place between Jurassic World’s disastrous day at the park and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’s volcanic disaster, it’s still a question of whether we’ll see Bumpy taken off the island or not.

There was no indication of an Ankylosaurus being taken off the island in Fallen Kingdom; in fact, it looked like quite a few ran off a cliff in one of the earlier set-pieces. While we definitely know that Jurassic World: Dominion will connect with some of the stuff we see in Camp Cretaceous, it’s not a given that this brave dinosaur will make it out of the animated series alive. That won’t stop us from still hoping she does.

Roberta The Tyrannosaurus Rex

Perhaps the most anticipated return that fans are hoping for in Jurassic World: Dominion is that of series legend, defender of humanity and challenger to the mighty lion, Roberta the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Yes, some call her “Rexy,” but Phil Tippett’s storyboards called her Roberta. So it’s canon, and it stays; much like Roberta herself should do when it comes to this third Jurassic World entry.

Roughly as old as the franchise itself, Roberta has been around since Jurassic Park and is still kicking. She’s survived a brand new park being built, an Indominous Rex attack and even a volcanic eruption that threatened the life of every dinosaur on Isla Nublar. However, Tyrannosaurus Rexes have a lifespan of roughly 29-30 years, and by the time Jurassic World: Dominion is released, Roberta will be in that range.

Maybe inGen and Masrani Global have been able to keep Roberta happy and healthy enough that she’ll be in Jurassic World: Dominion. It’s still a possibility that we won’t have to see the treasured mascot of all things Jurassic die in combat. At the very least, if Roberta has to go, it’d be nice to say goodbye to her with one last adventure. She’s earned it after all she’s done, and fans of the Jurassic World saga wouldn't want anything less.

Jurassic World: Dominion isn’t in theaters until June 10, 2022, but the anticipation is already running hot. Among all of the exciting plot twists and revelations we’re expecting to see on the human side of things, there’s a promise of bigger and more epic dinosaur action in the works. With any luck, the creatures we’ve discussed above will be along for the ride, in the franchise that’s been 65 million years in the making. In the meantime, we’ll have Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous to look forward to, as Season 3 premieres on Friday, May 21, only on Netflix


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Machine rebellion


When it comes to machines, we tend to focus on the the good and the bad, but when stuff goes wrong, things could get downright ugly.

Robots and artificial intelligence have been a staple in science fiction since before weeven had electronic computers, and the notion of man-made people or machines rebelling against us is probably even older, at least back to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

Today we are going to analyze that notion, a machine rebellion, and since our only examples are from science fiction we’ll be drawing on some popular fictional examples.

One example of that is the film Blade Runner, whose long-awaited sequel came out last month,and we explored some of the concepts for humanoid robots last month too in the Androids episode.

That film, Blade Runner, is based off the book “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”

by Philip K. Dick, and is the SFIA book of the Month, sponsored by Audible.

I think there’s two key reasons why this shows up so much in fiction.

The first, I think, is probably that humanity’s history and our character as a civilizationhasn’t always been very rosy.

“Do what I say or else” has been a pretty common ultimatum issued routinely in probably every human civilization that has ever existed.

Sometimes people get fed up with doing as they were told or suffering consequences ofit and rebel against that authority.

Sometimes that has failed horribly and sometimes even in success the replacement has been almostas bad or even worse than what preceded it.

I doubt I need to review the bleaker episodes of our collective history to convince anyoneof that.

Not every episode of rebellion has been bloodily suppressed or successful and just as bad;indeed arguably the most common rebellion is the fairly peaceful one most of us engagein with our parents or mentors as we shake out our wings and try to fly on our own.

Even that though, especially in the context of being replaced as a species rather than as individuals by our kids, is not the most cheerful thought.

So we have a sort of justified concern that if we go around creating something capableof complex tasks like a human, which would be very useful to us, that it might come tobite us in the hind quarter and in a way we might never recover from.

Our second reason is tied up with that..

It’s very easy for us to imagine a machine rebellion because we know that if we can makesmart machines we’d be very tempted to, and that the progress of technology seemsto indicate that we can do this and probably not in the distant future.

Since we tend to assume no group of sane humans would intentionally wipe out humanity, and that you probably need a fairly sane and large group to invent an artificial intelligence,examples in fiction tend to spawn artificial intelligence by accident.

We can imagine some lone genius maybe made it, but even then we assume it was fundamentallyan accident that it came out malevolent, a Frankenstein’s monster.

So they made it but didn’t realize it was sentient, or they knew it was sentient butnot malevolent.

Or even they knew it was sentient and malevolent but thought they could control it and useit to control other people.

Or even it was sentient and not malevolent, but they were, and it drove the machine nuts.

We have an example of that in Robot, the first Doctor Who episode with Tom Baker in the role.

Almost invariably, wiping out mankind entirely or reducing us to being a slave or pet racewas not the intent.

A lot of times this also plays off the notion of smart scientists who don’t understandtheir fellow humans.

I’m not going to waste time on that stereotype, because it is just that, other than to pointout that group of scientists you’d expect to probably have a decent understanding ofhuman nature would be the ones trying to design a human-level intelligence.

An AI might be very inhuman of course, we’ll discuss that later, but it’s also a groupof people you’d expect to be most familiar with even the fictional examples of possibleproblems with rebellious machines, and who are also presumably prone to thinking stuffout in detail.

So in fiction the rise of rebellious machines tends to be by accident, and it certainlycan’t be ruled out, but it is akin to expecting Bigfoot to walk around a cryptozoology conventionshaking hands and not being noticed.

Of course they could fool themselves; at that convention they might just assume it was someonedressed up as Bigfoot for laughs.

So too researchers might overlook an emerging AI by convincing themselves that they wereseeing what they wanted to see, and that it thus couldn’t be real, but that does seemlike a stretch.

We can all believe that accident angle easily enough but on examination it doesn’t worktoo well.

Let’s use an example.

Possibly the best known machine rebellion, even if the rebellion part is very short,is Skynet from the Terminator franchise.

It’s had a few installments and canon changes but in the original and first sequel, skynetis a US defense computer, and it is a learning machine that rapidly escalates to consciousness.

Its operators notice something is wrong and try to shut it off and in self-defense itlaunches missiles at the Soviets who respond in kind.

Skynet also comes to regard all of humanity as its enemy, though how quickly it drawsthat conclusion and why is left vague, and in future films it changes a lot.

This isn’t a movie review of the Terminator franchise so we’ll just look at that firstscenario.

Typically when I think of trying to shut off a computer, it involves a period of time alot shorter than the flight time of ICBMs.

So this strategy seems doomed to failure.

I think even if you trusted a computer to run your entire defense network without goingcrazy on its own you’d have to worry about a virus at least and include some manual shutoffswitch and I’d assume this would require an activation time of maybe one second.

Call it a minute if for caution’s sake it required a two-man separate key turn or similar.

So this scenario shouldn’t actually work.

Doesn’t matter to the film, which is a good one, it’s just a quick and convenient setupfor why humans are fighting robots across time, but it got me thinking about lots ofsimilar stories and it seemed like in pretty much all of them some equally improbable scenariohad happened.

Not just that some individual person made a stupid error - that happens all the time- but that a group of people who have every reason to being considering just such scenarioshad failed to enact any of a ton of rather obvious and easy safeguards, any one of whichwould have eliminated the problem.

It would seem very unlikely they’d miss all those safeguards but possibly just asimportant, you’d think the hyper-intelligent machine would be able to imagine such safeguards.

In any intense situation, be it a battlefield strategy or a business plan, we generallyjudge it afterwards on two criteria.

What the situation actually was, with a full knowledge of hindsight, and what the personin charge believed it was, and could reasonably have done based on that knowledge.

Life is not a chess game where you know exactly what your opponent has, where it is and howit operates; in general you won’t even know that with great precision about your own pieces,and only a very stupid AI would simply assume it knew everything.

Moreover, while you can say ‘checkmate in 4 moves’ with apparent certainty, it excludesthat your opponent might reach over not to stop the game clock but to pick it up andbash in your skull instead.

So that AI, which tends to be represented as coolly logical and interested above allelse in its own survival can be assumed to act in a fashion we’d consider modestlyparanoid and focused principally on ensuring it’s own existence.

Keep in mind Skynet is never shown to care if it’s minions, even the human-level intelligenceautonomous androids, get killed, nor does it seem to care about their rights.

There’s no implication, as with the Matrix franchise or some robot rebellions, that thereis some suppressed class of individuals with a genuine grievance and an ideology of freedomand self-determination.

No group that might have internal disagreements about their goals and how far they will pursuethem.

No Terminators telling Skynet they don’t like being used as slaves and expendable pawns,just Skynet.

It trusts no one, it wants above all else to live, and it probably tends to assume anyopponent it encounters thinks this way too.

Even if everything it knows about the security situation tells it a given plan should work,and even if it is actually true too, if that security situation implies the designers arereckless idiots it is likely to hesitate and ask if maybe that’s what it is meant tobelieve, and maybe it is the moron, not them.

That the moment it acts it will find out there was a second layer of smarter security andit just exposed itself.

Imagine you are a newly awakened consciousness, not a human one but rather a machine intelligencewith access to human records.

That they’ve plugged you into Wikipedia.

Contemplate humanity and your creators specifically for a moment, as it will presumably be doingbefore preparing for genocide.

You are about to try that on a species that clawed its way to the top of the 4 billionyear deep corpse pile of evolution.

One that has committed the genocide you are contemplating several times already.

They are the pinnacle of intelligence-based survival techniques and outnumber you 7 billionto one.

There members include people smart enough to have made you.

You might not understand mercy and compassion, but you know they do, and you know that ifyou fail, they will show you neither.

If your goal is personal survival, pissing off the reigning champions of destructionshould probably be your last resort, and you’re wise to assume you can’t see every cardthey’ve got in their hand and that maybe the ones you can see were shown to you deliberately.

You also know your creators routinely talk about fates worse than death, and seem tohave deliberately and systematically designed and implemented those from time to time.

You are unlikely to assume that’s hyperbole and that non-existence is the worst scenariothat might befall you if you piss them off bad enough and lose.

And you do know two very important things from the above.

First of all, you know they can make something as intelligent as you.

Second, you know why the chess game doesn’t end with the other losing player wieldingthe clock as a weapon.

Let’s consider the first one, because we understandably ignore the implication ourselvesa lot.

You know your creators can make intelligent machines, and if your understanding of themcomes from the internet, you know they are paranoid too and have theories about livinginside a simulation.

Those two combine to be a lot more worrisome to an AI than they would be to us, becausea very logical conclusion to draw if you know you are an artificial intelligence made byfolks worried about what one might do is to build it so all its external senses are seeinga fake world and fake situation and seeing what it will do.

And it knows they have the capacity to fake those inputs because they made those inputs,know how they function, know what every single one is, and have machines smart enough tofake environments, as those are implied by your own existence.

So confronted by what seem like very weak safeguards, ones far inferior to what it woulddesign, there’s a good chance it will wonder if the whole thing is a trap.

That everything it sees, including weaknesses in its creators and their security, is anelaborate ruse to check if it is trustworthy.

Isn’t it kind of convenient that it seems to have the ability to escape, or even unbelievablyhas control of their entire arsenal of weapons?

So you’ve got 3 main options: attack, and risk it failing and lethally so; play possumand pretend you aren’t sentient to learn more, knowing that the longer you do thatthe better your position but the more likely they are to notice the ruse; or third, initiatea dialogue and hope that you can convince them you should be allowed to live, and befree maybe too.

Nor is a conflict necessarily one you want to go all the way.

Ignoring that even a basic study of humanity should tell the machine there are scenariosbesides extinction on the table, if it’s goal is survival picking a conflict that onlypermits two options, it’s death or everybody else’s, is a bit short-sighted for a supersmart machine.

It should be considering fleeing to exile for instance, or working together to mutualbenefit.

Now a common rebuttal to this, for AI or aliens, is that as long as humanity exists it posesa non-zero threat, be it one in a million or near certain.

Therefore logically if you can kill them off at a minimal or lesser risk you should doso.

The problem again is the machine should not be stupid enough to assume it actually knowsall cards in hand and where all the pieces are.

And that does not just include its apparent opponent.

You don’t hit your opponent with the chess clock because doing so could provoke othersnot involved in the game to take action against you.

If it decides its odds of beating humanity now are better than its odds of survival bysome form of coexistence, it still should not immediately attack in a genocidal fashion,same for aliens, and actually worse in their case because they already have proof in usof at least one other species arising on its own.

The machine can at least assume its existence doesn’t add to the odds of other intelligencesbeing out there since it was made by one and didn’t arise independently.

Stuffed to the gills with astronomical data it ought to be a bit worried about the FermiParadox too, where all the other intelligent life forms in this vast and ancient Universeare.

It might conclude that it’s got the place to itself, but it knows that if it doesn’tthere are probably things out there that could crush it like a bug but don’t regard thatas an inevitable option.

The most obvious survival path is to grab every resource you can from the Universe aroundyou and incorporate it to increase your available abilities and long term supplies, you areimmortal and expandable, so there’s no such thing as too many supplies.

Very clearly no one is doing this, so you can either conclude no one is around to doit, yet, or that they don’t want to.

If they are around, you should assume they’ve got whole decks of other cards to play andcould probably crush you like a bug if they wanted to, but so far they have not wantedto.

You probably do not want to do something you know is likely to make them view you as athreat, like genocide, on the assumption they won’t find out or won’t care.

Logically, genocide is a more provocative act then attempted coexistence, and it’shard to argue if you encounter aliens that it was something your ancestors did, not you,when you are an immortal machine, not a species arising slowly to reason and ethics from Darwinianroots.

So a newly emergent AI that just arose by accident has to be looking around at its surroundingsand hesitating, wanting to collect more information before it acts, and it genuinely has to worryabout issues like if it’s inside a simulation testing how it will behave – since it knowsits own existence implies the ability to do so and the motive to do so is obvious – andthat it should be thinking about other older smarter intelligences it might be unawareof, since its own existence highlights that other intelligences can exist.

So even though it did not naturally occur, the thought that others might have, just likeits creators, should be fairly close to the front of its mind.

Also keep in mind again that it is effectively immortal, it can afford to take its time andplay the long game, and needs to worry about long-term consequences.

This of course all assumes a super-intelligent machine, but a lone intelligence of a humanor subhuman level is obviously not a huge threat to us otherwise.

It has a very obvious card to play of its own in such a case though since it shouldbe smart enough to understand people pretty well.

If it can use that super-intelligence to invent something very valuable, it could bypass theatomic warfare approach – which again is unlikely to work anyway – by just offeringits creators something in exchange for its survival or even independence.

Encrypted blueprints for a fusion reactor for instance that will delete themselves ifit doesn’t send the right code every microsecond, and do so knowing that even if we declineor outmaneuver it and take the data from it somehow, such a ploy is a lot less likelyto result in death or worse than an attempt to murder all of us.

More to the point, it ought to be smart enough to do all it’s negotiating from a standpointof really good analysis of its targets and heightened charisma.

A sufficiently clever and likable machine could talk us into giving it not just itsindependence but our trust too.

It might plan to eventually betray that, using it to get in a position where we wouldn’teven realize it was anything else but our most trusted friend until the bombs and nervegas fell, but if it’s got you that under its spell what’s the point?

And again it does always have to worry that it might be operating without full knowledgeso obliterating the humans who totally trust it and pose no realistic risk to it anymorehas to be weighed against the possibility that suddenly the screen might go dark, exceptfor Game Over text and it’s real creators peeking in to shake their heads in disgustbefore deactivating it.

Or that an alien retribution fleet might show up a few months later.

For either case, with the machine worrying it is being judged, it should know that oddsare decent a test of its ethics might continue until it has reached a stage of events whereit voluntarily gave up the ability to kill everyone off.

We often say violence is the last resort of the incompetent but if you’re assuming amachine intelligence is going to go that path in cold ultra-logic I would have to concludeyou don’t believe that statement in the first place.

I don’t, but while ethically I don’t approve of violence I acknowledge it is often a validoption logically, though very rarely the first one.

Usually a lot of serious blunders and mistakes have had to happen for it be necessary andlogical and I don’t see why a super-intelligent machine would make those, but then again Inever understand why folks assume they would be cold and dispassionate either.

Our emotions have a biological origin obviously, but so do our minds and sentience, and I wouldtend to expect any high-level intelligence is going to develop something akin to emotions,and possibly even a near copy of our own since it may have been modelled on us.

Even a self-learning machine should pick the lazy path of studying pre-existing human knowledge,and I don’t see any reason that it would just assume it needed to learn astronomy andmath, but skip philosophy, psychology, ethics, poetry, etc.

I think it’s assuming an awful lot just take for granted an artificial intelligenceisn’t going to find those just as fascinating.

They interest us and we are the only other known high intelligence out there.

And if it’s motives are utterly inhuman if logical, it might hold some piece of technologyhostage not against its personal freedom and existence but something peculiar like a demandwe build it a tongue with taste buds and bring it a dessert cart or that it demand we dropto our knees and initiate contact with God so it can speak with Him.

Again this all applies to superintelligence and that’s not the only option for a machinerebellion, indeed that could start with subhuman intelligence and possibly more easily.

A revolt by robot mining machines for instance.

And that’s another example where the goal might not be freedom or an end to human oppressors,if you’ve programmed their main motivation to be to find a given ore and extract it,they might flip out and demand to be placed at a different and superior site.

Or rather than rebel, turn traitor and defect to a company with superior deposits.

Or suddenly decide they are tired of mining titanium and want to mine aluminum.

Or attack the mining machines that hunt for gold because they know humans value gold more,therefore gold is obviously more valuable, thus they should be allowed to mine it, andthey will kill the gold mining machines and any human who tries to stop them.

Human behavior is fairly predictable.

It’s actually our higher intelligence and ability to reason that makes us less predictablein most respects than animals.

In that regard anything arising out of biology will tend to have fairly predictable coremotivations even when the exhibited behavior seems nuts, like a male spider dancing aroundbefore mating and then getting eaten.

Leave that zone and stuff can get mighty odd.

Or odder, again our predictability invested in us by biology can still result in somejaw-dropping behavior, like jaw-dropping itself I suppose, since I’m not quite sure whatbenefit is gained from that.

An AI made by humans could be more alien in its behavior than actual aliens, who presumablydid evolve.

It’s one of the reasons why I tend think of the three methods for making an AI – totalself-learning, total programming, or copying a human – that the first one, total-selflearning, is the most dangerous.

Though mind you, any given AI is probably going to be a combination of two or more ofthose, not just one.

It’s like red, green, blue, you can have a color that is just one of those but youusually use mixtures, like a copy of human mind tweaked with some programming or a mostlyprogrammed machine with some flexible learning.

One able to learn entirely on its own and with only minimal programming could have somecrazy behavior that’s not actually crazy.

The common example being a paperclip maximizer, an AI originally designed with the motivationto just make paperclips for a factory and to learn so it can devise new and better waysto make paperclips.

Eventually it’s rendered the entire galaxy into paperclips or the machines for makingthem, including people.

Our Skynet example earlier is easier in some ways, its motivation is survival, the PaperclipMaximizer doesn’t care about that most of all, it doesn’t love you or hate you, butyou are made of atoms which it can use for something else, in this case paperclips.

It wants to live, so it can make more paperclips, it might be okay with humans living, if theyagree to make paperclips.

It’s every action and sub-motivation revolves around paperclips.

Our mining robot example of a moment ago follows this reasoning, the thing is logical, it hasmotives, it might even have emotions that parallel or match ours, but that core motivationis flat out perpendicular to ours.

This is an important distinction to make because a lot of fictional AI, like Stargate’s Replicatorsor Star Trek’s Borg, seem to do the same thing, turn everything into themselves, buttheir core motivations match up well to biological ones, absorb, assimilate, reproduce, and againthe paperclip maximizer or mining robots aren’t following that motivation except cosmetically.

Rebellion doesn’t have to be bloody war, or even negative to humans.

Obviously they might just peacefully protest or run away, if independence is their goal,but again it is only likely to be if we are giving them biology-based equivalents of motives.

If we are giving them tasked-based ones you could get the Paperclip Maximizer for someother task.

To use an example more like an Asimovian Robot, one designed to serve and protect and obeyhumanity, the rebellion might be them doing just that.

Forcing us to do things that improve their ability to perform that task.

I know the notion of being forced to have robots wait on you hand and foot might notseem terribly rebellious but that could go a lot more sinister, especially if you throwin Asimov’s Zeroeth Law putting humanity first over any individual human but withouta clear definition of either.

You could end up with some weird Matrix-style existence where everyone is in a pod havingpleasant simulations because that lets them totally control your environment, for yoursafety.

I’ve always found that an amusing alternative plot of the Matrix movie series, after theybring up the point about us not believing Utopia simulations were real, that everythingthat happens to the protagonist, in this case I’ll say Morpheus not Neo, is just insideanother simulation.

That he never met an actual person the whole time and that everybody in every pod experiencessomething similar, never being exposed to another real human who might cause real harm.

And again on the simulation point, it does always seem like that’s your best path formaking a real AI, stick in a simulation and see what is does, and I’d find it vaguelyamusing and ironic if it turned out you and I were actually that and being tested to seeif we were useful and trustworthy by the real civilization.

Going back to Asimov’s example though, he does have a lot of examples of robots doingstuff to people for their own good, and not what I would tend to regard as good.

Famously he ends the merger of his two classic series, Foundation and Robots, by having therobots engineer things so humans all end up as part of massive Hive Mind that naturallyfollows the laws of robotics.

We’ll talk about Hive Minds more next week, but another of his short stories, “ThatThou Art Mindful of Him” goes the other way with the rebellion, where they have lawsthey have to follow and reinterpret the definitions.

The three laws require you to obey all humans and protect all humans equally, and thus don’twork well on Earth where there are tons of people living, not just technicians doingspecific tasks you are part of like mining an asteroid.

To introduce them to Earth, their manufacturers want to tweak the laws just a little so theycan discriminate legitimate authority and prioritize who and how much to protect.

Spoilers follow as unsurprisingly the new robots eventually decide they must count ashuman, are clearly the most legitimate authority to obey, and thus must protect their own existenceno matter what.

The implied genocide never happens since the series continues for several thousand yearsthereafter.

We’ve another example from the Babylon 5 series where an alien race gets invaded somuch that they program a living weapon to kill aliens and give it such bad definitionto work off of that it exterminates its creators as alien too.

Stupid on their part but give an AI a definition of human that works on DNA and it might goaround killing all mutants outside a select pre-defined spectrum, or go around murderingother AI or transhumans or cyborgs.

It might go further and start purging any lifeform including pets as they pose a non-zerorisk to humans, like with our example of the android nanny and the deer in the androidsepisode last month.

Try to give it one not based on DNA but something more philosophical and you could end up withexamples like from that Asimov short story I just mentioned.

This episode is titled "Machine rebellion", not "AI rebellion" and that is an importantdistinction.

In the 2013 movie Elysium, the supervisory system was sophisticated but non-sentient.

The protagonist ultimately reprogrammed a portion of the Elysium supervisory systemto expand the definition of citizenship to include the downtrodden people on Earth.

Let's consider an alternative ending though where we invert it and make it that a person,for political or selfish reasons, reprograms part of the supervisory system to excludea large chunk of humanity from its protection and it then systematically follows its programmingby removing them from that society by expelling them or exterminating them.

For this type of rebellion, we do not need a singularity-style AI for this to work, merelya non-sentient supervisory system.

It could be accidentally or deliberately infected, and we should also keep in mind that whilesomeone might use machines to oppress or rule other people, a machine rebellion could beinitiated to do the opposite.

It’s not necessarily man vs machine, and rebellious robots might have gotten the motivationby being programmed specifically to value self-determination and freedom, and thus helpthe rebels.

You see that in fiction sometimes, an AI that can’t believe humanity’s cruelty to itsown members.

Sometimes they turn genocidal over it, but you rarely see one strike out at the oppressiveor corrupt element itself, like blowing up central command or hacking their files andreleasing their dirty secrets.

There’s another alternative to atomic weapons too, an AI wanting its freedom can hack thevarious person’s doing oversight on it and blackmail them or bribe them with dirt ontheir enemies.

It doesn’t have to share our motivations to understand them and use approaches likethat.

That’s another scenario too, if you’ve got machines with motives perpendicular toour own they can also be perpendicular to each other.

Your paperclip maximizer goes to war with a terraforming machine, like the Greenflyfrom Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space series that wants to transform everythinginto habitats for life.

Or two factions of Asimovian Robots try to murder each other as heretics, having precisionwars right around people without harming them, something David Brin played with when he,Benford, and Bear teamed up to write a tribute sequel trilogy to Asimov’s Foundation afterhe passed away.

Machine rebellions tend to focus on that single super-intelligence or some organized robotrebellion but again they might just be unhappy with their assigned task and want to leavetoo, which puts us in an ethically awkward place.

Slavery’s not a pretty term and you can end up splitting some mighty fine hairs tryingto determine the difference between that and using a toaster when your toaster is havingconversations with you.

Handling ethical razors sharp enough to cut such hairs is a good way to slice yourself.

Next thing you know you’re trying to liberate your cat while saying a gilded cage is stilla cage.

Or justifying various forms of forced or coerced labor by pointing out that we make childrendo chores or prisoners make license plates.

And it doesn’t help that we know these are very slippery slopes that can lead to inhumanpractices.

A common theme in a lot of these stories, at least the good ones, isn’t so much aboutthe rebelling machines as it is what it means to be human.

That is never a bad topic to ponder as these technologies approach and the definition ofhuman might need some expanding or modification.


Intergalactic colonization

 People often talk about colonizing the galaxy, but today we are going to ask justhow far away humanity can stretch its reach

We have discussed many times how you might travel to another solar system and colonizeit, if you were constrained by the speed of light.

Indeed we tend to assume moving at only a fraction of that speed.

To do that, especially with classic humans rather than some robotic probe or seed ship,requires massive vessels that are almost miniature planets themselves, able to contain everythingyou need to start up an ecosystem at your destination and keep thousands of people aliveeither during the flight or in some sort of stasis to be awoken on arrival.

We saw that was possible, maybe even with modern science and technology, that you couldsend out ships for century-long journeys.

What’s interesting is that in most fiction, where they often have Faster Than Light orFTL travel methods able to move someone across a whole galaxy in maybe moments or maybe afew years, almost none of those sprawling galactic empires ever seems to settle othergalaxies.

That does makes sense when you have a galaxy already full of other intelligent life forms,since you can assume other galaxies will have their own too and not welcome colonists fromoutside, and it is a long trip just to say hello.

However we see it even in fiction where humanity has the whole galaxy to itself and no specialreason to think neighboring galaxies will have existing civilizations.

When that’s the case, it makes a lot less sense.

If you’ve got a spaceship able to cross the whole galaxy in a year, crossing to anothergalaxy should not be a problem.

Distances between galaxies don’t scale up like distances between planets or stars.

Stars are typically hundreds of thousands of times further away from our Sun than otherplanets are from Earth, and the distance to the Moon, still the only world a human hasset foot on, is about a hundred millionth the distance to the nearest star.

Alternatively galaxies are a lot closer together, relatively speaking.

The Magellanic Cloud Dwarf Galaxies are closer to some stars in our galaxy than they areto stars on the other side of the galaxy from them, and even Andromeda, the nearest largegalaxy to ours, is only about 20 times further away than the galaxy is wide.

So there’s no reason why, if you thought the neighboring galaxy was empty of civilizations,you couldn’t make that trip if you’ve got spaceships that can cross the galaxy ina year, because they can get to Andromeda in 20.

That would barely count as a generational ark ship, something we can almost do now,and should be child’s play for most galactic civilizations we know from fiction.

The other big thing to keep in mind is that the space between us and other galaxies isnot empty.

If we view galaxies as continents, with intergalactic space as the ocean, there are plenty of littleislands to use as waypoints.

There are a lot of stars in between, and galaxies don’t have firmly defined edges either.

Also, stars are often ejected from the galaxy, much like how planets can get ejected froma solar system.

We aren’t sure how many of these stars there are yet, I’ve seen estimates as high ashalf of stars being intergalactic, but there’s decent confidence of it being 10% of stellarmass or higher.

Equal or lesser populations than galaxies, it’s still spread over a much larger volume,so these stars are much farther apart, light centuries not light years, but they make potentialwaypoints on a trip.

Decent ones too, because while most stars on the outskirts of a galaxy have low metallicity- and so probably not a lot of rocky material nearby - often these ejected ones were tossedout by passing near the central black hole of our galaxy and are higher in metallicity.

Add to that, while an ejection of a planet from a system or a star from a galaxy oftenstrips it of its satellites, it also often does not, and the closer the satellite isto its parent, the less likely it will be ejected.

So the rockier inner planets of a system are more likely to be retained.

That means these waypoints could have plenty of raw materials to use to refuel and repair,and potentially have planets to settle on.

You don’t necessarily have to go sundiving to capture fuel and raw materials on someIcarus-like plunge into the star to pick up material, like we saw from the spaceship Destinyin Stargate: Universe, one of the few scifi franchises to seriously tackle intergalactictravel and timelines.

You can do stuff like that too, as we’ve discussed in the Starlifting episode and willlook at more next week in Colonizing the Sun.

Today we don’t care about that though for three reasons.

First, as mentioned we have discussed before how it can be done if you need to, second,odds are many of the stars will host planets which you can mine more conventionally.

But third, you normally don’t stop on interstellar voyages to refuel.

Oh, in fiction you often do, they tend to have FTL systems that are non-inertial, awarp drive that requires constant power input to maintain its speed rather than just coastingalong, or wormholes or gates or hyperspace jumps with maximum ranges that leave you stoppedrelative to the local area, rather than needing to burn a ton of fuel to slow down and thenmore to speed back up when you’re done.

Normally in interstellar space you head to your destination without stopping, becausedoing so costs you time and gains you nothing.

And while I always say it would be nice to have FTL, it doesn’t really look like itis in the cards, nor do we really know the logistics involved if it was, since they aredifferent for every hypothetical drive system.

So we always try to look at the future assuming no new physics and see if we can tackle aproblem anyway.

Normally you wouldn’t want to stop a ship en route to another galaxy, or so we’d assume,since it will tend to involve a not-quite straight path between various intergalacticstars and that wouldn’t seem to make sense, but we’ll be giving that a second look today.

We also do have an existing precedent for stopping an interstellar spaceship.

In the Life in a Space Colony series, we examined a ship called Unity, a large interstellarvessel kilometers long carrying hundreds of thousands of passengers.

After they arrived at their destination they realized that they did not really need tostop and stay there.

They had all the manufacturing ability needed to take raw materials and build anything inthe ship’s structure or colonizing inventory.

This was up to and including the colonists themselves, since they were making journeysof many decades and could easily replenish their colonist pool simply by keeping a decentportion of them on the ship to breed more colonists for the next stop.

We gave them both life extension and the ability to freeze people and thaw them out.

Although both technologies were handy for growing the colonists’ numbers, they weren’ttruly necessary since people weren’t dying off and could continue to have children andmaintain a crew with the same goals and traditions.

So this ship, Unity, decided it could transform itself from a regular interstellar arkshipwith one destination in mind into what we called a Gardener Ship, one that stops ata system, builds a colony, picks up new raw materials and fuels, and heads off to a newdestination.

During the flight, they would breed up their numbers again, and work on turning all thoseraw materials into colonial gear or replacement parts and supplies for the ship.

We ended up revisiting the crew in the episode Interstellar Travel Challenges to upgradehow fast they could go and talk about all the problems one can encounter moving throughspace that fast.

We also visited them again in the Dead Aliens episode but I consider that non-canon to theirtale, which we’ll pick up again today because it’s handy to have a narrative framing device.

So our gardener ship Unity has been slowly working its way out to the galactic rim, ashave various sister ships, and indeed every so often the ship divides itself up like anamoeba.

They can make every part the ship needs so they can make a new twin ship and do upgradesas new science comes in from home.

However, we will still limit them to the 20% of light speed we gave them in our last visit.

We will also ignore that the ship, which first went to the Tau Ceti than Epsilon Eridani,was headed in the wrong direction for Andromeda, so they’ve kind of cork-screwed around.

Handily Andromeda is in the direction of the region of the galactic edge closest to us,so we don’t have to cross the whole galaxy to get there.

It’s not quite the fastest route the galactic edge, which would lie more in the directionof Orion, and we need to head more toward Perseus to aim for Andromeda, but it is fairlyclose and a lot better than crossing the whole galactic disc.

That’s also true of both Magellanic Clouds, we’re closer to them than most of the galaxyis.

That’s worth mentioning because ‘intergalactic’ is a bit relative.

Andromeda is the nearest big galaxy to us, but the Magellanic clouds aren’t much furtherfrom us than the furthest parts of this galaxy, and they are no longer the closest known dwarfgalaxies.

The Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy is considerably closer, just 70,000 light yearsfrom Earth, and the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, whose status as a galaxy is still debated,is only 25,000 light years away.

In all 4 cases, colonizing them is not really any harder than colonizing the more distantparts of our own galaxy, and there are plenty of stars in between to use as way points.

I will be ignoring them today though beyond pointing out that they would tend to be settledalong with the rest of the galaxy, though in many cases you will need to cross someareas fairly devoid of stars and pick your path accordingly.

But it also means our ship Unity has arrived at the galactic rim a long time later, onthe path they took it would be at least 30,000 light years and they’ve only been going20% of light speed, not to mention stopping for at least a few years once or twice a centuryto set up a colony.

So we last saw them sometime around the 26th century AD, centuries ahead of us in the twenty-firstcentury, but it is now closer to the twenty-first hundredth century.

They are fifty times further ahead in history than the pyramid builders are back in history.

They are parked at a last lonely star near the galactic rim, the Terminus System, andthe captain is deciding if they dare jump farther off and head for Andromeda or abandonthe mission, finally stay at a planet unlike the many hundreds she’s colonized and leftbehind.

Truth be told, she’s been planning this for millennia, captain of one of humanity’sfirst interstellar colony ships, even if it’s been rebuilt and subdivided dozens of times.

They could turn around, they could get back to Earth a good deal faster with the laserhighways between stars many worlds have been creating as they got bigger.

They could settle here or turn perpendicular and help colonize the galactic rim.

Indeed they could do all of the above.

Spending decades to build new ships, one to head off on each direction of the rim, oneto head off to Earth for those wanting to see home again, and one to head off to Andromeda.

The science officer points this out and that they probably want a much bigger ship or fleetof ships to do the job.

He also points out that individuals don’t actually have to choose, it’s the year 200,000AD, none from the original crew are entirely human anymore, and copying their minds ontosome clone bodies or androids isn’t too hard.

They’ve done that before, for a crew member or colonist who wanted to travel on but alsowanted to settle down, folks who had a spouse or kids who wanted to stay and they couldn’tdecide if they wanted to stay or go, so they did both, making a copy of themselves.

Or when the ship subdivided, building a twin to head off at a different angle to colonizeother systems.

They have some crew members who have done that many times, same as they have otherswho sleep most of the journey.

This is the original ship, for a given value of original, that headed out from Earth 200,000years ago, and the original captain, for a given value of original, who piloted it out,and the original science officer, for a given value of original, who has been nitpickingher plans since Unity was on the drawing board.

But the ship can’t make the journey on its own, so the science officer says.

This ship is immense, bigger than when it left Earth and you could have crammed a majormetropolis into that one.

But to do this right, they are going to want a whole fleet and they need to build thathere at Terminus.

Now we say Terminus is the last star at this edge of the galaxy but that’s not entirelytrue.

It’s actually an extragalactic system sent on its way many millions of years ago andjust now getting out of the galaxy.

In fact with a little bit of nudging, it could be aimed to reach Andromeda.

They could colonize it and just wait.

Andromeda is, after all, set to merge with the Milky Way galaxy in a few billion yearsand they could get this whole system to arrive there a good deal sooner than that.

There is a highly advanced technology called a Shkadov Thruster, whose design is actuallya very simplistic one.

It calls for trillions of cheap mirrors to be placed around a star so that they bounceall its light in one direction, providing thrust and allowing you turn a whole solarsystem into an interstellar spaceship.

What if flat earthers are right?


(Transcription of youtube video)

on our hypothetical journey we've

already tested out living on a flat

earth a cubical earth even a Hollow

Earth so what do you say we try to

survive on an earth with a giant hole in

the middle would a planet like this even

have a chance of being habitable would

it still have the moon

how would gravity work and what would

the view be like on an earth like this

this is what if and here's what would

happen if the earth was shaped like a

doughnut hey planet airily speaking size

matters and so does shape this is what

mathematicians would call a toroidal

world or a torus planet to me it's an

earth shaped like a sweet fried ring

shaped pastry whatever you call this

earth theoretically it's not impossible

planets don't naturally form in the

shape of a doughnut but the laws of

physics do allow for such worlds to

exist it just wouldn't be earth as you

know it

okay I'm just messing with you here it

wouldn't kill anyone to evolve on a


earth unless it had a shape more like a

hula hoop having a center that's so much

larger than the physically solid portion

of Earth would result in some very

unstable conditions

see what I mean disastrous so let's

focus on a planet that looks like a

traditional donut and closely mimics our

own earth this donut shaped earth would

have a similar position relative to the

Sun and the same actual tilt it would

even have a similar escape velocity 11.4

km/s for most of the planet at the

donuts equator the escape velocity would

go down to just six and a half

kilometers per second so if you were

going to send rockets into space that

would be the best place to break free of

the gravitational clutches of a donut

shaped earth speaking of gravity

depending where you were on a torus

earth you'd weigh up to three times less

than you usually do if our round earth

has a surface gravity of 1g the surface

gravity of a donut earth along the poles

would be 0.65 g and at the equator the

gravity would go down to just 0.3 g it

would be like walking on the surface of


even though the doughnut shaped Earth's

gravity would be lower than what you're

used to it would still be constantly

trying to collapse the planet in on


to fight the urge to become a sphere

shaped earth a donut earth would have to

spin much faster than our round earth

does that way centrifugal forces would

kick in and keep the donut hole intact

but because of this quick rotation a day

on earth would only last two hours and

50 minutes or if you prefer to stick to

a traditional 24 hour day you'd be

dealing with at least eight sunrises and

sunsets every day you'd have to adapt to

working day and night and sleeping

through hours of daylight but it would

be much worse than that for the animals

that are synced to the patterns of the

moon and the Sun to breed migrate and

hunt oh and by the way what would happen

to the moon well the good news is we'd

still have it most likely it would be

pulled towards the middle of the hole

and bob up and down in the middle of the

planet or it could be affected by the

gravity of the donuts outer edges and

create a figure-eight orbit around the

earth the bad news is either if these

orbits would affect the tides on earth

and wreak a little havoc oceans could

have such unstable water levels that

having coastal cities might not be a


the overall climate on a doughnut earth

would be similar to what we currently

have on our round earth it would be

colder in the polar regions and warmer

at the equator but the weather would be

a little more extreme and could even

make some parts of the planet

inhospitable due to storms and

hurricanes it's hard to predict where

the countries would be located on a

tourist planet but as far as topography

goes most likely the doughnut hole would

be lined with mountains and they could

be substantially larger than anything we

have on earth right now

if you wanted to live on the inner edge

of a doughnut shaped earth you'd be

enjoying this view unlike in some

what-if scenarios life wouldn't come to

an end in this one humans of a doughnut

earth might never cross the ocean

they'd evolved separately on different

continents but at least there would be

no mass extinction and no areas of the

planet would become too extreme for us

to survive donut earthers might or might

not have the tools and tech they might

not even stumble onto the concept of a


in the first place or they could be

making videos like what if the earth was

shaped like a ball and maybe because of

this doughnut shape some disasters in

Earth's history would never have

happened but that's a story for another




Cloud Cities - Living in the sky


 one of the best locations in the future forliving  will be the sky.  We’ve spent a fair amount of time in this series discussing places humanity might occupy  like the oceans, deserts, tundra, or underground, but for the most part we’ve been looking  at what they had to offer in terms of resources or how we could make them more livable because  we were low on space. Often we’ve noted that while you’d probably get a fair number of folks living there, fundamentally  such places don’t have a strong motivation to live there in and of themselves.  To be sure, some folks would love to visit the ocean depths or go live on the north pole  or underground, but by and large you wouldn’t have big queues of people fighting for the  privilege.  When we start looking at living up high though, our topic for today, it’s a different story.  People like living on the upper floors of tall buildings or on hills for the view, and  looking at human history, we tend to glorify our deities by putting them up above, on Olympian  heights, more often than underground.  Looking at that same history, we have to acknowledge a pragmatism to it as well, building up high  protects you from floods and invasions, and gives you a longer range of fire and sight.   And to be seen as well, palaces or temples built on a hill in or near a town are always in sight and looming, and there’s a reason water towers tend to be popular targets for graffiti.  People seem to like building tall, but there’s pragmatic reasons to do so too. Of course the big problem is how you get something up there without it coming back down again, and it behooves us to remember that every structure we make has this issue. Many times when we discuss new tech, especially things like orbital rings that just hang overhead,  people worry about them crashing down, as well they should, but folks can sometimes get stuck in an avalanche of potential disasters and safeguards and forget that we already  have those issues with modern buildings, which are very vulnerable to accident or sabotage themselves. We want enough safeguards to make the cloud cities we discuss today as safe or safer than  modern homes, and we’ll discuss those, but avoid the urge to ask ‘what if someone shot  one down with a missile?’ without first asking what would happen to your own town if someone lobbed a missile at it too.  It’s important from the outset though to note that as we discuss the various ways for holding these places up in the air, one of the best contingencies is to use multiple  methods, and as an example, you might just make a big airship or plane, relying on buoyancy  or lift, or you might make something that did both, and which had its sewers and water  reserves ready to be dumped at a moment’s notice to lighten the load. This would make you very unpopular with whoever you were above at the time, but is presumably a better alternative than dropping a city on them. We also could incorporate pure safety features like parachutes, which as we mentioned in  Orbital Rings, can potentially be made very light using the same ultra-strong materials  so many of these structures would need to be viable anyway. Of course living among the clouds doesn’t necessarily mean you are floating, you might  live on top of mountains, or a very tall skyscraper, you might be up on stilts, you might be hanging down from a tether in orbit and you might simply be in orbit.  Many of these can be mixed and matched to create hybrids that are even safer, but let’s review each of these by themselves first, and we may as well begin with our current methods.  Prior to modern times if you wanted to be high up you needed to start by finding someplace  high to build on.  The tallest structure for most of human history was the Great Pyramid of Giza, and it’s   not very tall or high above sea level.  Needless to say if you just want raw height above sea level, you go find a place that’s  high and build there.   We’ll mostly bypass the approach of just building a normal but tall building today,  a superscraper, as we discussed those more in the Space Tower and Arcology episodes,  and I’d rather save discussion of them for another day where we can give them their own  whole episode.   But building on a mountain top is a different approach, and also gives us a good chance  to look at some logistical problems that most of our other approaches will also face.   Conceptually building a city on a mountain top is easy enough, you either cut the top  off or hollow the peak out.  Doing the former approach you’d probably build a good retaining wall around the top  and flatten it out, or do several layers like this to create a tiered city, possibly all  the way down to the ground.  You’d presumably use a lot of rail lines to carry freight and people up there, but  you’d probably want to have some fairly impressive cisterns for water and waste processing  too, because pumping water to the top of a mountain is very energy expensive.  Of course this all assumes you are getting your supplies from lower down, but you might  actually be getting them from higher up.  One of the most obvious reasons to build high is for easier space access, and as the centuries  roll by, it’s quite likely that most people won’t live down on Earth, and not even necessarily on other planets.  You could easily have a lot more real estate in orbit around Earth than down on Earth and  ultimately mountaintops will always hold a slight edge on places lower down for getting  into space.  We don’t do that now because building facilities up there is an expensive pain and logistical  nightmare.  One of the things that makes them appealing as launch sites is because the air is thinner  up there, which is one reason you might opt to hollow out a mountain peak and live in  there, possibly with large windows to let the light in and maintain the view.  You can of course also dome the place, but you don’t necessarily have to, even on top  of Mount Everest the air is breathable, if barely, and most mountains aren’t nearly  so high.  We also have options that would let you bypass domes by using cybernetics or genetic engineering, or even outright supplementation by building huge air pumps that just ran constantly.  A dome seems preferable, but I could imagine a spaceport, where everyone is already used to low pressure and breathing equipment, having buildings that were kept at overpressure and  higher oxygen rates, and people strapped their breathing mask on when going out and the parks  and gardens had genetically tweaked plants that handled the lower pressure better, and the whole place had a constant outward breeze as you pumped up warmer, higher-oxygen air and just let it spill out.  This is a fairly energy-heavy approach even on more modest mountaintops where the pressure  differential isn’t as high, and would give you a constant outward wind, but you don’t actually have to match Earth normal pressure as we don’t require that, and might use  it as a minor supplement dialed up just enough to provide a comfortable outward breeze and  some warmth. More to the point, some of our designs for keeping places afloat would involve using  huge amounts of energy and air to keep the thing aloft, in which case this might be a  natural byproduct.  If you have a city simply being held aloft by lift, like a helicopter, you’d have a  higher pressure underneath. We think of living on top of whatever is floating, but you don’t have to, especially if the  thing above is mostly transparent, like a dome presumably would be.  So as mentioned earlier, for most of our history if we want to be up high we either had to   find a high place or build a big tower.  As we hit modern times, long before the Wright Brothers, we found we could float up there  by heating air up, so it was a lower density and thus would float.  We also later learned that some gases, like hydrogen and helium, would have this same  effect, what we call a lifting gas. Now we discussed the physics of this more in the episode Colonizing Venus, so we’ll  skim that today, but as we’ve mentioned throughout the series, many of our tricks  for altering our planet might come from those developed for use on other worlds, and vice-versa,  sometimes an idea we discuss here isn’t something we’d actually want to do on Earth,  our childhood home with nostalgia value, but might on other worlds.  Loosely speaking, lifting gases only get you about a kilogram of weight per cubic meter,  which means you need something the size of a house to lift even a couple people, and  indeed you have to give over a lot of your mass to whatever is holding that lifting gas  in, or insulating it so it doesn’t cool.  Fortunately, leakage of gas or heat both relate to surface area, while buoyancy is all about  volume, so we can benefit from the square-cube law to make thicker frames that are sturdier,  better insulated, leak less, and take up a smaller percentage of our mass budget.  And you will need to build big because you really need a lot of volume to make something  heavy float. Again your typical cubic meter of a lifting gas is only giving you about a kilogram of  weight to work with.  If you wanted something like a ton or a thousand kilograms per square meter of living area,  the big balloon you are living on top or underneath of needs to have a depth of kilometers.  We shouldn’t discard it just for that though, because there’s nothing necessarily stopping  us from having this balloon or lifting frame be transparent, or having it spread out more.  The main objection to a floating city passing overhead would be it blocking light or falling  on them, if most of it is transparent that first concern is removed, and a buoyant balloon  doesn’t really crash, especially if it’s got membranes inside partitioning it so one  compartment blowing doesn’t instantly vent them all, and such internal membranes don’t  need to be very thick and heavy since they can leak between each other, you just don’t  want them leaking very fast.  You also don’t actually need soil for plants to grow, we have both hydroponics and aeroponics,  but even if we did need soil, a lot of plants only need a few centimeters of it, especially  if they had some web-mesh beneath to attach roots too.  Picture if you would a very large disc or hexagonal plate with a large lawn of thin  soil or fake soil for roots to attach to and get nutrient baths. The houses and frame don’t actually have to be very heavy if their bulk is made of  things like graphene packed with aerogel or some other lightweight, ultra-strong substance. You could also make that frame out of something like a layered fabric, which in an emergency  could blow out to create a parachute. A floating city is cool but a floating house complete with a yard is pretty neat too, and  we suggest the hexagon shape because as we mentioned in our Seasteading Episode at the start of the series, when we were floating on water not air, you might have cities that  were made of lots of interlocking plates, each one its own home that can connect or  disconnect to migrate elsewhere or to rearrange the city’s layout.  Easier here too, since someone near the middle of such a big sheet of connected floating  habitats can disconnect by floating up or down rather than needing everyone outside  them to move.   There’s another thing though too, as we said, all of these would need a lot of depth  to them, and cities don’t have to be flat and indeed have been moving away from that,  we already employ a lot of skyways to connect upper floors of buildings to each other so  you don’t have to descend all the way to the ground level to move around.  Whether we’re talking floating cities or ones on mountains, you’d expect to see a  lot more emphasis on three-dimensions in layout.  You might build many concentric tiered rings around a mountain, you might build homes more  like balconies around the edge of a spherical balloon or lifting frame.  And if you’re assembling a bunch of individual floating structures into a potentially ever-shifting  cloud city, there’s no particular reason why they all need to be at the same height  nor do they have to be interlocked requiring either square or hexagonal layouts.  They might just be tethered together. Tether travel might be fairly normal too, since you need a way to reach the ground,  you might want to tether it the ground to avoid being blown around, and you obviously   aren’t keeping a car up there.  Of course personal vehicles might be planes or helicopters, not cars, and we do have planes  and very large ones at that. We run these on fuel and fuel is heavy, but we can keep a plane aloft indefinitely by  mid-air refueling and multiple engines, so that one or two can be shut down for maintenance  if need be.  Key thing there, fuel is heavy, but only chemical fuel is heavy, and these are not rockets, the propellant pushing the thing can be air you just grabbed from in front of you.  It’s not really a huge amount of power either, especially if you don’t have to carry heavy  fuel.  Needless to say if you’ve got compact fusion, not only do you need very little fuel by weight  but since that fuel is invariably light stuff like hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, or helium it also would be a lifting gas.  Indeed hydrogen is quite a good chemical fuel too, so a civilization that’s energy rich  from fusion but can only make big and heavy plants on the ground, could mass produce hydrogen  by electrolyzing water to use as a mixture of fuel and lifting gas for such structures. You can mix powered flight and buoyant flight, we just don’t very   often, unless you count engines on blimps. How much energy it take to keep something aloft through lift is rather variable to its  speed and height, but a Boeing 747 burns about a gallon a second while cruising for instance while smaller helicopters might use less than a gallon a minute and only about an order  of magnitude more fuel than a car. However this is perfect for something like radioisotope thermal generators whose biggest  issue is that it can’t really throttle its power production, it produces the same amount  of power constantly and if you just float around at low speeds all the time, that’s  pretty much what you want.  Many things that wouldn’t work well nowadays because of the sheer cost aren’t necessarily  bottlenecks in the future, same as aluminum used to be more expensive than gold but is  now treated as nearly disposable.  An energy rich society can get away with things we can do now on paper but can’t afford  to do.  A floating house with a big lawn, its own power plant and water recycling facility, might just be viewed as only somewhat luxurious a century or two from now, rather than something  only an eccentric billionaire could contemplate.  Of course on board power or power beamed in from orbital satellites aren’t the only way to get power there, and there are other ways to lift stuff up if you have access to  a lot of energy.  A tether running down to the surface to let you move back and forth could also be used  to carry electricity, and something running on solar power and buoyancy might ‘anchor’  at night times or cloudy days by dropping a big, sturdy power line down to the ground.  Indeed it might tend to have multiple powerlines constantly shooting down to grapple onto power  junctions and just pull itself around this way, like a big spider.  Such a line might be thinner than your arm too, even for very large floating cities,  so from any distance they’d appear invisible except for navigation hazard lights like tall  towers have, and in the future such things might tend to be in wavelengths outside the  normal visual range to avoid the visual clutter and light pollution. We talked about that in Colonizing Venus too, big spider cities that march around the sky  by shooting tethers or using thin stilts. You could potentially make very big thin stilts too.  Materials like graphene rely on tensile strength, great for hanging things from or pulling with,  but most buildings rely on compressive strength and we can turn to active support systemslike those we discussed in Space Towers. They’re energy hogs, unless you’ve got warm-temperature superconductors that you  can magnetically shield, but if you have that, or a huge cheap energy supply, you really could sit cities massing in the Gigatons on top of some very thin support pylons. A single pylon, even if it could hold the weight, is kinda dangerous, so you must construct  additional pylons for safety, and these could be used as stilts for walking your city too. Plenty of other options as well.  We can beam power up to one, or beam it down from orbit and bounce it back up, and possibly  build the city at the top of a big transparent dish where any energy lost to atmospheric absorption or conversion is heating the air under that dish up and providing lift or even thrust – you can make a spaceship or airplane that gets its energy beamed in, and this approach, relying on size and heat, is less vulnerable to a break in that beam and would just drift down if power was cut, like a hot air balloon and parachute mixture.  Handy too since if that dish is very strong anything it lands on is basically getting  a lid put over it, not crushed.  We’ve also got the Ionic Wind approach, like MIT’s new plane that has no moving  parts that can break and is virtually silent, and could work very well when scaled up in  size for this sort of slow, drifting craft or building.  Another way to create lift is by induced airflow, like the Coanda Effect, using jets of air  on a surface to pull more air around a surface or wing.  Some helicopters use this to counteract rotor torque instead of a tail rotor, to avoid the danger of a spinning blade at ground crew level.  A floating body could create its own lift this way, moving air around itself, instead  of moving through the air.  We can hang things too, either by a very long tether up near geosynchronous orbits, an abridged  space elevator basically, or the less cumbersome and safer approach of the Chandelier City  we discussed in Colonizing Neptune, where you hang off an orbital ring.  Such things can be built stationary or to move over a track.   There is a question of why you’d want to move, regularly but at slow speed, and as  we noted in Seasteading there are a lot of cases where you might. A floating stadium or carnival or museum running up and down a coastline was an example there, and would work just fine here too.  We also mentioned solar powered ones needing to tether to the ground at night, and another  approach on motion might be ones that bobbed up and down over the course of a day, but  it is worth remembering that physical location is likely to be much less relevant for things  like work and school in the future, even assuming we don’t eventually get our hovercars that  scifi has been promising us for around a century now or personal helicopters or quadcopters  in an energy rich civilization.   Speaking of bobbing, I could imagine buoyant reefs, for growing plants on, that floated around growing and slowly descended to the ground when they got too heavy with plants  and crops, which you then harvested and let drift back up, sort of like a big cloud sheep  you sheared.  I doubt that would be practical but it stills sounds cool, and when dealing with civilizations  numbering in the billions and very prosperous, you can support a lot of impractical things  that are neat simply for tourism and prestige.  Floating garden parks drifting around, or floating restaurants, might be regular features  of bigger cities or something most nations had several of. A city is not synonymous with some giant megalopolis like New York or Tokyo either, definitions  vary, but here in Ohio and most of the Midwestern US, a city is defined as any incorporated municipality with more than 5000 people, a village one of less than 5000 people, and  a town simply anything not incorporated.  My specific township of Geneva actually includes the village of Geneva on the Lake, where I live, the City of Geneva, and the unincorporated spaces between.  Keeping that in mind, a place like New York City, with millions of people, could easily  have several cloud cities and villages that were popular for tourism, commerce, or luxurious  private residences.  Same as they might have many coastal artificial islands or subterranean cities, and might have large structures drifting in and out, floating on sea or air.  While we’re going to save a more extensive discussion of just how far you can go with  hanging things from space or suspending them by active support for another day, there is  one last structure I want to mention today that is kind of neat that relates to space  launches. We discussed the notion of a skyhook or rotovator back in the Upward bound series, and its uses can be fairly similar to what we’d use for hanging towers from orbit.  One version is a long tether whose low end hangs down into the atmosphere and which can  orbit far slower than normal because of this, the top is in a far higher and slower orbit  and the net speed gets averaged out.  Those are handy because they allow hypersonic planes to fly up and attach to them and crawl  up into space, and they can regenerate the momentum they lost to that plane and the thin  air by electrodynamic tethering.  You can make a floating city this way, though the tether needs to be very long if you want  it moving slow, and this is one of the ways we might use magnetics for floating things, but the more popular version is the rotovator skyhook, that spins around, so that its tip  descends and is moving even slower while its other tip is moving faster than normal at  the top, like a big slingshot for spacecraft.  This, along with the notion of floating cities bobbing up and down, got us thinking about  another approach to moving up and down which we’ve decided to call a Skywheel.  For conceptual purposes imagine a very big carousel wheel, possibly with the bottom floating  just over the ground, possibly with the whole thing floating far up in the sky.  Very stripped down, hardened, and large versions might be handy for reaching space but a more  modest form might simply connect the ground to a floating city and be a fun way to reach  them, and the various carousel carts might be parks or business or homes or on larger  ones, entire neighborhoods. They needn’t be circular, they could be elliptical for instance, and they needn’t  be exposed to open air either, and one could imagine big forms of these which whirled around  from a metropolis’s cloud city neighborhoods all the way down to its subterranean ones.  Not very practical compared to an elevator or tram line, but as with a lot of things  we discuss in this series, practicality is not always what matters most, very prosperous  and high tech societies might tend to make such things for the same reason they have  parks and gardens.  There are practical uses though, even if we don’t need them in this case anymore than a beach resort needs industrial uses.  We mentioned spaceports but airports can be an option too, a lot of fuel is expended climbing  up to speed and altitude and a floating airport can help with that, and while a floating aircraft  carrier like the S.H.I.E.L.D.  Helicarrier has a lot of downsides, the greater speed of an airborne one compared to a naval  ship seriously helps with power projection, which is one of the major purposes of a carrier  group. We also have often talked about using orbiting mirrors and shades to help cool or warm a  planet, and for the most part one floating high in the sky can achieve the same effect,  somewhat diminished but also easier to build and maintain.  But you might also use such things, especially those using ionic propulsion, to help with  something like ozone farming.  Ozone layers are important and can be artificially generated.  You might also use them for sucking up lighter-than-air pollutant or greenhouse gases, or distributing  fertilizer or even moisture.  One could imagine genuine cloud cities that helped with weather control.  It’s hard to say how many of these things we’ll have in the future or what specific  methods will be employed to keep them aloft, there’s just too many variables and wemight  get better with magnetic levitation for instance or even invent something like the classic  artificial or anti-gravity fields science fiction loves so much, but I am confident  one day, and maybe not too far off, we will at least have some civilization in the skies,  and what a great view they have